At EVEBOT, we pride ourselves on our innovative, self-developed portable printers that combine cutting-edge technology with a sleek, compact design. Our design philosophy focuses on achieving a balance between aesthetics, ergonomics, and functionality, ensuring that every portable printer we create is not only easy to carry but also comfortable to use. We hold several patents for our unique designs, ensuring that our products stand out in both form and performance.
The PrintPen is specifically designed for printing on food and beverage products, making it the ideal tool for customizing items like cakes, pastries, and beverage cups. With its ultra-compact dimensions of 17.4 * 3 * 5.3cm and a lightweight design at just 255g, it offers excellent portability and convenience for quick, on-the-go printing. Despite its small size, it’s capable of creating high-quality, safe prints directly on edible surfaces.
The PrintPod is the world’s smallest portable printer capable of printing on surfaces larger than 1 inch in width. Featuring a water-based ink cartridge, it can print on absorbent surfaces such as paper, textiles, and wood. The PrintPod is designed for high-quality, eco-friendly prints, making it the perfect choice for personalizing garments and other items, all while maintaining a compact size.
The PrintInd shares the same compact design as the PrintPod but stands out with its use of solvent-based ink, making it ideal for a wider range of printing applications. With dimensions of just 9.5 * 5.2 * 4.3cm and weighing only 160g, this printer is ultra-portable and powerful. The solvent ink provides prints that are waterproof and resistant to fading, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor environments. You can learn more about the high-performance solvent ink used in PrintInd.
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